You can quickly and easily make appointments with NWTC instructors and staff through Starfish. Follow the steps below to schedule an appointment.
- Login to Starfish or login to Canvas and click the Help & Resources icon in the lower left to choose NWTC Starfish. (You may need to use multi-factor authentication to verify your identify. Watch our short Canvas login video).
- From the My Success Network section, click the downward arrow beside the name of the person you want to schedule an appointment with, and then select Schedule from the menu that appears.
![Screenshot of choosing the schedule option from the My Success Network section in Starfish](
- Select the type of appointment you want to schedule and choose a reason from the list.
![Screenshot of What do you need help with?](
- Adjust the date range as needed to find days and times that work for your schedule, and then select a time from the list.
Note: You MUST select an end date before the days and times will display for you.
![Screenshot of day and time selector for making an appointment](
- Complete your sign up by adjusting any details, such as duration or course, where applicable, and add a description for why you want to meet.
![Screenshot of confirmation screen](
- Click Confirm to finish scheduling the appointment. You will get an email with the appointment details and the appointment will be listed on your Dashboard.
Cancelling or Modifying an Appointment
Upcoming appointments will be listed on your Dashboard in the timeline view (left column). Click the pencil icon to modify the appointment or the x icon to cancel it.
![Screenshot of appointment details where you can also cancel or modify them](