Canvas allows you to print grade reports for a single course or all your courses at once. Check out our short video or see the instructions below.
Printing Grades in Canvas (1 minute 22 seconds)
To print grades in a single course:
- Navigate to the course homepage using the Canvas dashboard or the courses icon in the blue global navigation on the left side.
- Click on the “Grades” link in the left-side menu.
- You may sort your grades by options such as due date or name. You can also change the “course” dropdown to view your grades in other courses. You’ll need to click the “Apply” button to submit these changes.
- Click on the “Print Grades” button to either print a copy of the grades for your records or save a PDF version, using your browser’s print tools.
To view grades in all courses:
- Go to your Canvas dashboard by clicking on the “Dashboard” icon in the blue global navigation on the left side.
- On the lower right side of the page, click on the button to “View Grades”.
- From here, you can choose to view details of a grade for a specific course by clicking on the course name.
- Alternatively, you can print a copy of this page or save a PDF of this page using the print tools in most browsers.
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