
In most cases, you are probably looking at an article or webpage on an organization's website. If there is no individual author's name listed, consider the organization a "group author". [If the webpage is on a government website, follow this format.]

Basic Format

Name of Organization. (Date published). Title of webpage or document: Subtitle of document. https://someurl


Let's say you want to cite this webpage:

  • The organization's name is at the top left: American Nurses AssociationANA American Nurses Association logo
  • Don't panic if you cannot find a date of publication!  If there is no date, use n.d.
  • The name of the webpage is at the top.

So, the entry for your References page is

American Nurses Association. (n.d.). Ethics and human rights.

And the in-text citation is

(American Nurses Association, n.d.).