
Canvas Studio is a media tool that allows students and instructors to watch, upload, create, edit, manage, share and discuss audio and video files.

Watching Videos in Canvas Studio

View the short Canvas Studio Overview video to learn how to watch videos in Studio, speed them up, view/create/reply to comments, turn on closed captioning, change to full screen, and download. To see screenshots, go to How do I use Canvas Studio?.


Creating and Submitting Videos

Students can use Canvas Studio to submit audio and video files to assignments and discussions.

Watch the short Studio Media video to learn how to find, add, or record videos from your webcam or screen capture. Discover how you can edit the video titles, descriptions, tags, captions, and comments.  Learn how to share videos through a public link/embed code or by sending them to other students or your instructors. 

For more details, view the Canvas Studio Guide.