
Installing Pearson LockDown Browser (LockDown Browser OEM) for courses using Pearson MyMathLab:

If you are having issues taking a LockDown Browser exam in Pearson MyMathLab, the problem might be that you are trying to use the "normal" NWTC Respondus LockDown Browser that you may have used for other classes in the past. However, because your math class requires you to take your exams through Pearson MyMathLab, you actually have to download a different version of LockDown Browser. You have to download and use the Pearson LockDown Browser (also called LockDown Browser OEM). 

To do this, please:

  • Go into your Canvas course from a normal web browser such as Chrome or Edge.
  • Navigate to the practice quiz link in your Canvas course and click the link. This should take you to MyMathLab.
  • When you try to start the practice quiz, you will see options toward the bottom of the page to download the Pearson LockDown Browser. Please follow those directions to install.
    A screenshot of a math quiz.  At the bottom is a box labeled Check Your Browser showing a button to Download Pearson Lockdown Browser
  • Once the Pearson LockDown Browser is downloaded on your computer, the name will appear as LockDown Browser OEM. It will be important to remember that distinction between what you use for math exams in MyMathLab, and which LockDown Browser you use for the rest of your NWTC courses. 
    LockDown Browser OEM logo

Taking a MyMathLab Exam with LockDown Browser:

  • Sign in to your Canvas course from a normal web browser such as Chrome or Edge.
  • Navigate to the practice quiz link in your Canvas course and click the link. This should take you to MyMathLab.
  • Select "Start Test".  Your computer will automatically launch the "LockDown Browser OEM" so you can take your exam in LockDown Browser.
    Screenshot of a math quiz with a Start Quiz button indicated