Modern Language Association, or MLA, format is a style of crediting sources you use to write a paper. This style is typically used for research papers for English Composition and other communication classes.
Use our MLA Citation Guide to learn how to cite sources in this style.
Every time you quote or paraphrase someone else’s work, you must tell us:
- Who wrote the work
- What is it called
- And where can we find a copy.
You give us this information in two places:
- In the paragraph where you are quoting or paraphrasing. This is called a Parenthetical Citation (or In-Text Citation) because you will put brief information about the work in parentheses.
- In the Works Cited page at the end of the paper. This is where you put all of the information we need to find a copy of the works you used in your paper.
Do not hesitate to Ask a Librarian for personal assistance with citation questions!
Links & Files
- How do I make a Works Cited or References page? Opens in new window
- MLA Citation Style (Research Skills Video) Opens in new window
- MLA Citation Style (Research Skills Tutorial) Opens in new window
- MLA Citations (Research Skills Quiz) Opens in new window
- MLA Style Center (official webpage of the Modern Language Association) Opens in new window
- MLA_Citation_Quick_Guide.pdf
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