You can easily schedule appointments with NWTC Library staff through calling, emailing, or using our bookings pages. Appointments allow you to have dedicated time with Library staff to answer your questions in depth.
Research Help
- For Research Help appointments, book a meeting with Julie, send her an email, or call 920-498-5490.
Technology/Resource Help
- For NWTC Green Bay Library Help appointments,
- Book a meeting with Jacquelyn, send her an email, or call 920-498-5732.
- Book a meeting with Carole, send her an email, or call 920-498-6289.
- Evenings (M-Th) - Book a meeting with Rachel, send her an email, or call 920-498-6812.
- For NWTC Marinette Library Help appointments, book a meeting with Jessica, send her an email, or call 715-732-3647.
- For NWTC Sturgeon Bay Library Help appointments, book a meeting with Kathy (T/W/Th), send her an email, or call 920-746-4911.
Library Policy/Questions
- For appointments regarding Library Policies or Questions, book a meeting with Kim, send her an email, or call 920-498-5487.
Links & Files
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