
According to the Official APA® Style and Grammar Guidelines, the basic APA format for a YouTube video is:

  • Author, A.A. (year, month day). Title of video [Video]. YouTube. URL http://xxxxx
    • Use the name of the account that uploaded the video as the author.
    • Include the specific date on which the video was uploaded. 
    • Italicize the video title.
    • Include [Video] after the title. [Video] is not italicized.
    • Provide the site name (YouTube) and URL of the video.

  • Example: 
    • NASA. (2019, August 28). Soft robotic gripper for jellyfish [Video]. YouTube.
    • Parenthetical citation: (NASA, 2019) 
    • Narrative citation: NASA (2019)

Cite a YouTube channel:

  • Author, A.A. (n.d.). Title of channel [YouTube channel]. Retrieved month day, year, from URL http://xxxx
    • YouTube channel pages begin on the 'Home' tab by default. To cite one of the other tabs (Videos, Playlists, Community, or Channels), use the name of that tab rather than Home in the title element of the reference (as in the NASA example below). 
    • Italicize the title of the channel. 
    • Include the description “[YouTube channel]” in square brackets after the title. 
    • Provide a retrieval date, because the content is designed to change over time and is not archived.
  • Examples:

Oneida Digital Media. (n.d.). Home [YouTube channel]. Retrieved July 12, 2022, from

NASA. (n.d.). Playlists [YouTube channel]. YouTube. Retrieved July 12, 2022 from

Parenthetical citations: (Oneida Digital Media, n.d.)  (NASA, n.d.)

Narrative citation:  Oneida Digital Media (n.d.) and NASA (n.d.)


Comments (5)

  1. I really appreciate your work,,,, ,thank you
    by CLIFF CHIKOPA on Jul 14, 2021
  2. Thank you very much, this was helpful
    by Kezia Namukonda on Aug 10, 2023
  3. this was the best ty ty thank you!
    by Terry G on Oct 08, 2023
  4. Thank you so much!!
    by Ge Ge M. on Oct 29, 2023
  5. Helped me learn APA for the first time for an assignment in my Anthropology 102 class. Thank you!
    by Emily T on Jan 18, 2024