
Library Search is your first stop when you want to find any materials owned by the Library. It will help you locate online books, online videos, and physical materials at NWTC Green Bay, NWTC Marinette, NWTC Sturgeon Bay, and other NWTC locations.

Type in your keywords (try to be specific). Your results list will be a combination of books, ebooks, videos, online videos, articles, and more! 

You can use All filters button below the search box at the top of the screen to limit the resource type to books at a specific NWTC location. 





Screen shot of filters limiting results to books at Sturgeon Bay and Marinette libraries




























Look for items that say they are available in the Library at your campus, then use the Request it button to ask the Library to have the item pulled and waiting for you at the desk. Or, you can just write down the call number and come to the Library to find the book on the shelves. If you have any trouble finding the item, ask a Librarian for help. 

When there is no call number, that signifies the item is an electronic resource. To view the item, select the option to view online.