
Depending on the class that you are enrolled in, you might be asked to demonstrate your knowledge or skills through a Prior Learning Assessment (NWTC Credit by Exam or standardized national tests, NWTC Credit by Portfolio, or NWTC Credit by Skills Demonstration). Credit by Portfolio or Skills Demonstration generally takes several weeks to complete. For this reason, we advise students seeking Credit for Prior Learning with portfolio or skills demonstration options to begin the process at least 6 weeks prior to the start of classes.

For Credit by Exam, you are also encouraged to complete testing as early as possible. However, if you are enrolled in the class you want to test out of, you must complete the Credit by Exam process prior to the first day of class. If your classes have already begun, you are required to drop the course in order to complete Prior Learning Assessments for any of those classes. If your Credit by Exam or other Prior Learning Assessment are unsuccessful, you may then enroll in the class for the following session.

Be sure to consult your Admissions or Academic Advisor to help you incorporate Prior Learning Assessments into your Academic Plan. Learn more about Credit for Prior Learning.


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