The Veterans Resource Center in SC134 provides a place for you to connect with peers, meet with the school certifying official and Veterans Support Specialist, and get the information and resources you need to be a successful student. The Veterans Resource Center is open Monday-Thursday 8 a.m.-10 p.m., and Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. There you can receive the following services:
- Educational Benefits Information
- Student Services Information
- Community Outreach Services
- CAC Access
- Lounge Area with Television
- Coffee and other Refreshments
- County Veterans Services
- Vet Center Resources
School Certifying Official - Veterans Education Benefits Specialist:
Melisa Young is the School Certifying Official. Melisa certifies your enrollment status to the Department of Veterans Affairs so that they can disburse your education benefits. If you have any questions about what forms you need to complete, or what courses are allowed to be certified, the Veterans' Resource Center can help you. You can contact them by email or phone:
Priority registration:
Allows student veterans and other military service members the opportunity to register for classes 24 hours prior to other students. Please provide a copy of your DD214 showing your discharge type to the Veterans' Resource Center at or fax to 920-491-2674.
For more information about the services and resources available for veterans:
Visit the NWTC Veterans Services Website or contact Veterans Services at or (920) 498-6928.