
A Dislocated Worker is anyone who is laid off from work.

WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act) is a re-employment and training program designed to assist dislocated workers, other adults and youth with entering high-demand occupations and gain livable wages within their geographical areas.

You may be eligible for WIOA if:

  • You have been permanently laid off from your employment.
  • You are unemployed or underemployed with additional barriers to employment. Income guidelines may apply.
  • You are an out of school youth, up to the age of 21, who has barriers to employment. Income guidelines apply.

What kind of services does WIOA provide?

  • Assistance in job search and job placement
  • Assessment of skills and barriers to employment
  • Labor market and career information
  • Skill enhancing workshops
  • Referrals to community resources
  • GED Training

Training Services (funding for education) may be available to individuals who are deemed eligible and do not secure employment through Core and Intensive services. Financial assistance may be provided for tuition, books, and other support services depending on eligibility and need.

NWTC and its many partners have resources to help individuals who find themselves out of work:

Interested individuals should contact the Wisconsin Job Center in Green Bay at 920-448-6760 to get connected to a WIOA Case Manager. If you reside outside of Green Bay, please visit the Wisconsin Job Center site to find your local Job Center.



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